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Fit/Gap Readiness Sessions:
Session 1 (MM/DD) (Watch Now)
Session 2 (MM/DD) (Watch Now)
Session 3 (MM/DD) (Watch Now)

Meeting Recordings (any ad-hoc meetings outside of the training plan)
MM/DD: Insert meeting topic (Watch Now)
MM/DD: Insert meeting topic (Watch Now)
MM/DD: Insert meeting topic (Watch Now)

This page outlines your Lumens training plan. Please note that we will generally follow this schedule but may re-order the topics based on your needs. In addition, links to these recordings may become inactive one year after your implementation. If you would like to keep them past that point, we recommend downloading them.

Scheduled Training Sessions:

Session 1: (01/06): Lumens Demo- System Set Up File - Locations -  Watch Now
Workbook:  Pro - Level 1

  • Staff View: Menu Options, Log-in as, Staff assist Registration, Instructor Bio
  • Student: Add Student Profile, Student Self-registration, Review Student Dashboard
  • Instructor: Edit Instructor Profile, View/print Rosters & Sign-in Sheets, Email Students
  • System Options: System Preferences, Financial Policies, Instructional Calendar 
  • Financial Management: Accounting Codes
  • Room Management: Locations, Rooms

Session 2: (01/20): Locations, Instructor Profile, Student Profile  Watch Now
Workbook: Pro - Level 1


  • Instructors: Instructor Profiles, Job Titles, Education Levels and Company Types
  • Student Management: Student Profiles, Household Profiles, 
  • System options:  Optional Field Set Up, List Value Mgmt

Session 3: (01/28): Template Management  Watch Now
Workbook: Pro - Level 2

  • System options:  Template Management
  • Website Templates: Guest, Learner, Instructor, Staff Welcome Pages
  • Email Templates: Profile Notice, Registration Confirmations, Custom confirmations
  • Custom E-mail Templates: Confirmations, Reminders
  • Custom Web Page Templates: eg. Training Page

Session 4: (02/10): Site Categorization  (1-2 Sessions)  Watch Now
Workbook: Pro - Level 1

  • Categories/Subcategories: Alt Subcategories, 
  • Courses: Delivery Type, Schedule Type, Discounts, Clone
  • Classes: Schedules Types, Confirmations, Reminders, Cross Listing, Class Unlock Keys, Enhanced Cost Tracking
  • Catalog: Catalog Requestor
  • Course Series Management:  Building/Creating, Listing 

Session 5: (02/17): Class Registration  Session 1 Watch Now
Session 7: (03/10): Class Registration and Merchandise Session 2 Watch Now
Workbook:Pro - Level 1, Pro - Level 2


  • Registrations: Series, Late Registrations, Cancels, Transfers, Waiting Lists
  • Registrations: Response Analysis, Collection of fields at Registration
  • Shopping Cart: Payment Methods, Discounts/Promotions, Donations, Gift Cards, Scholarships, Over/Under payments, Split payments,

Recorded Training: Merchandise Watch Now
Workbook: Merchandise

  • Merchandise Overview: Introduction
  • Merchandise Set-up and Preparation: System Options, Course Management, Attributes, Item Management, Assigning Items - Course or Class, Assigning Items - Independent Sales, Assigning Items - Course Series or Certificate
  • Merchandise Buyers Experience: Purchase Individual Item, Purchase Class with Merchandise
  • Merchandise Staff Management and Maintenance: Purchase, Delivery Tracking, Transfers or Returns, Reports

Session 6: (03/03) Website Training Watch Now
Workbook: Website Configuration Workbook

  • Style Sheets: Main Layout Options, CSS and Style Sheets
  • Style Configuration: Colors and Fonts
  • Graphics: Banner Options; Primary, Background, and Other Graphics
  • Menus: Public Menu Structures, All Menus
  • Footers: Pre-Footer, Footer, and Branding Footer
  • Controls: User Controls, Learner Controls, Search Controls
  • Social Media: Social Media Additions

Session 8: (03/17): 3rd Party Pay and Accounts Receivable Watch Now
Workbook: 3rd Party Pay & Accounts Receivable

  • Demo Company: Add Company Profile, Register/manage Students, Review and Make Payments
  • 3rd Party Process: Company Profiles, Manage Requests: Student, Company, Staff, Templates
  • Accounts Receivables: Activity, Payment, Charges, Invoices, Document Archives, Edit Account, Credit Memo, Templates
  • Accounts Receivable Reports: 3rd Party Class Activity, A/R Activity, Aging, A/R Balance. A/R Balance as Of, Charges/Invoices with a Balance, Student 3rd Party Pay Request

Session 8: (03/17): Reporting  
Workbook: Pro - Level 3

  • Reports: Groups, Features, Filters, Scheduled, Custom
  • Credit Card Report Page:

Session 9: (04/07) Contract Training Premium Session 1
Watch Now
Workbooks: Contract Training Fundamentals


  • Fundamentals: Introduction and Overview, Program Goal
  • System Options: System Preferences, Financial Policies, Instruction Calendar, Optional Fields, Optional Fields - Custom, User Roles, Template Management, Power User Settings
  • Profile Management: Profile Options, Slim Profile, CT Exclusive Profile, Locations, Instructor Profiles, Company Creation, CT Vendors
  • Contract Preparation: Course Creation, Contract Training Classes, Contract Training Templates

(05/05): ED2GO - Online Course Provider - 


  • Initial Set-Up
  • Automatic Import
  • Work with Non-Integrated OCPs  

Session 10: (05/12) Class Information and Instructor Mgmt Watch Now

  • Class Information: Go/No Go Overview, Instructor Checklist, Status Change, Record Grades/Attendance/CEUs, Release Forms 
  • Instructors: Email and Confirmations, E-mail to Instructors, Instructor Portal

Session 10: (06/23) Instructor Management Watch Now
Workbook: Instructor Management

  • Program Overview: Introduction 
  • Instructor Profiles: Instructor Profiles, Earnings and Payments
  • Instructor Contracts: Default Templates, Create and Print Contracts
  • Reports: Instructor Reports

Session 11: (05/26) Certificate Essentials
Watch Now
Workbook: Certificate Essentials

  • Certificates in Lumens
  • Administrative Options: System-Level Settings, Templates, Prerequisites
  • Certificate Creation: Add Certificates, Courses and Attributes, Prerequisites, Publish Certificate, Variations
  • Certificate Registration: Staff, Student 
  • Certificate Management: Managing Certificate Participants, Reports

Session 12: (06/02) Contract Training Premium Session 2
Watch Now
Workbooks: Contract Training: Proposals & Contracts 


  • Proposals and Contracts: Overview, Program Goal
  • Contacts: Creating a Contact Log, Key Points
  • Proposal Management: Preparation, Creation, Logistics, Document Editor, Document Archive, Proposal Conversion to Contract
  • Contract Management: Creation, Document Editor, Account, Logistics, Grant Funding, Addendum, Document Archive

Session 13: (06/07): System Options - Watch Now
Workbook: Power User WorkbookPro - Level 3

  • System Options: Power User Settings - Release Form Management, Refund Policy Management, Global Skip Dates
  • System Options: User Roles, Staff Members, Dashboard Admin, Evaluations, Inactive/Delete
  • Add On Options:  SSO, Twillio, Genoo, Credly

Session 14: (06/09) Contract Training Premium Session 3 
Watch Now
                      (07/21) Contract Training Watch Now
(07/28) Contract Training Watch Now
(07/28 2nd) Contract Training Watch Now

Workbooks: Contract Training: Contract Events & Post Events


  • Contract Events and Post-Events: Introduction & Overview, Program Goal
  • Event Management: Event Preparation, CT Class Rosters, CT Logistics, 
  • Billing & Payment Tracking: Updating a Billing Agreement, Accounts Receivable for Contracts, Instructor Contracts & Payments, 
  • Company Access: Company View: Dashboard & Profile, Company View: Classes & Students, Company View: Reports
  • Reports: Contract Training Report Group, LERN Analysis Report Group

Session 14: Document Editor 


  • Document Editor Fundamentals
  • Document Editor Mail Merge/Merge Blocks


Meeting Recordings (any ad-hoc meetings outside of the training plan)
04/05: PSTC Questions Watch Now
04/21: Production Build Watch Now
04/24: Production Build Watch Now
05/04: PSTC Package Classes Watch Now
05/05: Waitlist Management Watch Now
06/30: Q & A Watch Now
08/09: PM Call Watch Now
08/18: PSTC Membership Watch Now
09/13: PSTC Certificates Watch Now
09/13: Cancel Registration transfer to 3rd party Watch Now
09/15:Certificates Watch Now
0916: PSTC Watch Now
MM/DD: Insert meeting topic Watch Now